• A person who has been assaulted will not necessarily be “ hysterical ,” survivors exhibit a spectrum of emotional responses including , but not limited to , hysteria , calm , laughter , anger , apathy , shock . Each person copes with the trauma of assault in a different way and that must be respected
Information and Health Risks Associated with Other Drug Use
Cannabis / Marijuana Tetrahydrocannabinol ( THC ) is the mind-altering ingredient in cannabis . The typical amount of THC in cannabis ranges from 5 % to 8 % which is much more potent than it was a few decades ago . Cannabis smoke contains more than 400 chemicals and many are known carcinogens and some are the same found in tobacco . Since cannabis smokers tend to inhale deeply and hold their breath longer than cigarette smokers , their lungs are exposed to even more smoke .
Short-term effects include : Delusions , increased appetite , increased heart rate , bloodshot eyes , dry mouth and throat , loss of short-term memory , dizziness , altered sense of time , impaired judgment , mood swings , inability to concentrate , loss of coordination , and loss of depth perception .
Long-term effects include : Risk of brain damage , mental depression , reduced immunity to infections , impaired memory and ability to learn , hallucinations and paranoia , chronic lung disease , heart disease , increased risk of lung cancer , irregular ovulation in females , and decreased sperm count in males .
Even a single dose of heroin can start a person on the road to addiction .
Short-term effects include : Depressed respiration , clouded mental functioning , nausea and vomiting , sedation , drowsiness , hypothermia , coma or death ( due to overdose ).
Long-term effects include : Bad teeth , inflammation of the gums , constipation , cold sweats , itching , weakening of the immune system , coma , respiratory illnesses , paralysis , reduced sexual capacity and long-term impotence in men , menstrual disturbance in women , inability to achieve orgasm ( men and women ), loss of memory and intellectual performance , introversion , depression , pustules on the face , loss of appetite , insomnia .
Prescription Drugs Prescription drugs that are taken for recreational use include the following major categories :
Depressants : Often referred to as central nervous system ( brain and spinal cord ) depressants , these drugs slow brain function . They include sedatives ( used to make a person calm and drowsy ) and tranquilizers ( intended to reduce tension or anxiety ). Some drugs in this category ( Zyprexa , Seroquel , and Haldol ) are known as “ antipsychotics ;” some drugs ( Xanax , Klonopin , Halcion , and Librium ) are referred to as benzodiazepines (“ benzos ”); and some drugs ( Amytal , Nembutal , and Seconal ) are classed as barbiturates ( sleeping pills ).
Short-term effects include : Slow brain function , lowered blood pressure , confusion , dizziness , fever , visual disturbances , disorientation , lack of coordination , difficult or inability to urinate , slowed pulse and breathing , poor concentration , fatigue , slurred speech , sluggishness , dilated pupils , depression , and addiction . Higher doses can cause impairment of memory , judgment , and coordination , irritability , paranoia , and suicidal thoughts . In addition , some people can experience the opposite of the intended effect , such as agitation or aggression .
Long-term effects include : Rapid development of tolerance , depression , chronic fatigue , breathing difficulties , sexual problems , sleep problems , and increases the risks of high blood sugar , diabetes , weight gain , and withdrawal systems such as insomnia , weakness , and nausea if use is reduced or stopped . As a dependency on the drug increases , cravings , anxiety , or panic are common if the user is unable to get more .
Opioids and morphine derivatives : Generally referred to as painkillers , these drugs contain opium or opium-life substances and are used to relieve pain . Some well-known brand names are OxyContin , Demerol , Tylenol with Codeine , and Dilaudid .
Short-term effects include : Drowsiness , slowed breathing , constipation , unconsciousness , nausea , and coma .