Student Handbook 2024-25 | Page 28

and off campus . Infraction of these laws constitutes a violation of the Code of Student Conduct and shall be addressed through the University ’ s student conduct process .
Alcohol The legal age to purchase , possess and / or consume alcoholic beverages in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is 21 years . Gwynedd Mercy University supports all local , state and federal laws relating to the use of alcoholic beverages and strictly enforces these laws both on and off campus . The University seeks to develop good habits and responsible behavior around alcohol use while allowing for moderate and appropriate drinking within the guidelines provided herein . The following policies will be adhered to regarding the use of alcohol on campus :
Individuals Under the Legal Age of 21 Years :
• May not possess , consume , transport or be in the presence of alcohol ;
• May not allow people who are of legal drinking age to consume alcohol in their room , suite or apartment ;
• May not possess paraphernalia associated with the rapid ingestion of alcohol and / or drinking games , e . g ., funnels and beer pong tables ;
• May not possess or display alcohol signs or empty alcoholic beverage containers .
Individuals 21 Years and Older :
• May possess moderate amounts of alcohol for personal consumption inside their personal room or within a suite or apartment where all occupants are of legal drinking age ; o Moderate amounts of alcohol are defined as one six-pack of beer or wine coolers ( i . e ., Seagrams , Mike ’ s Hard Lemonade , Hard Cider ), one 375 ml bottle of hard liquor or one 750 ml bottle of wine ; o Students may not possess or consume liquor in excess of 100 proof , grain alcohol , or possess / consume caffeinated alcoholic energy drinks ( including but not limited to : Four Loko , Sparks , Joose , Spylles , 24 / 7 , or Torke );
• May not possess paraphernalia associated with the rapid ingestion of alcohol and or drinking games , e . g ., including but not limited to funnels and beer pong tables ;
• May not possess kegs of any size , or similar bulk or common source containers used for mass consumption of alcohol
• May not possess or consume alcoholic beverages in public areas including but not limited to hallways , lounges , stairwells , classrooms , restrooms or anywhere on university grounds including parking lots unless within the confines of a university sponsored event that has been approved by the Vice President for Student Services and Dean of Students ;
• May not provide alcoholic beverages to any person less than 21 years of age ;
• Must dispose of empty alcohol containers in a responsible manner .
• An individual student ’ s privilege to possess alcohol may be terminated or suspended at any time based upon violation of these policies , violation of law , misuse of alcohol , or other failure to prove responsible use . The University reserves the right to determine the responsible use of alcohol in all circumstances .
Not Permitted Regardless of Age
• Public intoxication as indicated by appearance or behavior such as slurred speech , unstable walk , unconsciousness , alcohol on breath , vomiting , disorderliness or offensive behavior resulting from alcohol use ;
• Off-campus guests and commuters are not permitted to bring alcohol onto campus regardless of age .
• Alcohol use in university-owned or contracted vehicles ;
• Possession or consuming of alcoholic beverages in public areas including but not limited to hallways , lounges , stairwells , classrooms , restrooms or anywhere on university grounds including parking lots is prohibited unless within the confines of a university sponsored event that has been approved by the Vice President for Student Services and Dean of Students . ( Note that any door of a room containing alcohol that is left open is considered a public space .)
Residence Hall Policies
Residents and guests acknowledge that they are part of a living and learning community and are therefore subject to all University and Residence Life policies . For the purpose of this policy , a guest is defined as anyone who does not reside within the legally aged student ’ s personal room . Consistent with safe hosting practices , the University has the expectation that students hosting others of legal drinking age will make non-alcoholic beverages and food items available to guests . Students who are of legal age and who wish to possess and consume alcoholic beverages within their room are required to meet the following conditions :
• Completion of a one-time educational program on safe and legal possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages ;
• Compliance with all policies listed for individuals 21 and older ;
• The total amount of alcohol in a student ’ s room , suite or apartment may not exceed the total amount permitted for each resident aged 21 or older . All alcohol must be stored in an enclosed area .