Diversity Equity and Inclusion Workgroup The Diversity Equity and Inclusion Workgroup is charged with developing concrete steps and metrics of progress for improving diversity , equity , and inclusion at GMercyU .
Faculty / Student Committee Promotes interpersonal relationships between faculty and students , annually reviews the University calendar , selects recipient of Catherine McAuley Award and the Outstanding Student Leader Award . Student Members : the SGA President and two SGA voting members .
Learning Resources Committee Promotes opportunities to enhance utilization of library , teaching and learning , and student success resources ; promotes better integration of library , teaching and learning , and student success resources into the curriculum ; serves as a consulting and advisory group to the Library Director , the Director of Teaching and Learning Technologies , and the Dean of Student Success connecting educational resources ; increases awareness and communication of initiatives and resources . Student Members : Two full-time students .
Mission and Values Committee Promotes the integration of the mission and values of Gwynedd Mercy University in all areas of the campus culture . Student Members : two students will serve for a one-year term ( can be appointed for a second term ).
For information concerning membership on committees , contact the office of the Vice President for Student Services and Dean of Students at ext . 21566 , The Griffin Complex .
Student Annual Traditions :
New Student Orientation Service Project Mercy Week Red and Gold Fall Festival Thanksgiving Dinner Donut Days
Spring Take Back the Night Student Appreciation Day
New Student Orientation Prayer Ribbon Ceremony Griffin Madness Finals Breakfast Christmas Tree Lighting
Gwynedd Gala # GMercyUGrad Photos