Dietary Concerns We know that many of our guests may have food allergies or dietary concerns . Nutritional information is available for students in real time in Waldron Café and retail locations , as well as on our website . Additionally , our campus registered dietitian is available to meet with students for one-on-one consultations to support navigating our dining offerings across campus . Please contact us at griffindining @ gmercyu . edu to discuss specific needs with a member of our Management Team or our registered dietitian , at Abraham-Nora @ aramark . com to set up an in-person consultation .
Stay up to Date with Dining Daily menus , dining hours of operation , specials , and events are posted on the bulletin board outside Waldron Café and on the dining website . Follow Dining Services on Instagram and Facebook @ Griffindining to stay in-the-know for all of our pop-up specials and events around campus ! Menus are subject to change based on product availability .
Emergency Notification
Gwynedd Mercy University has an emergency alert program for our community . The directions for students to update or add cell phone numbers is below . We urge you to consider the importance of registering in case of emergency . If you are not interested in receiving emergency alerts , you may opt out by texting back “ Stop ” to a text message .
Omnilert is a selective mass notification system that empowers schools to send time-sensitive messages to students , faculty and staff wherever they are located . A selective mass notification system delivers notifications to an entire audience by all means necessary , increasing the odds that notifications are received in a timely manner . You will be notified immediately of events on the device ( s ) you select . You may input up to two contact numbers ( e . g ., cell phone ) and two personal email addresses .
The University will only send mass notifications in the event of weather and campus emergencies . You will not receive general notices via this delivery method . To register for Omnilert , please do the following :
• Go to my . gmercyu . edu and enter your login credentials
• Click the Omnilert Icon ( diamond with exclamation point )
• You may also opt to have an emergency e-mail alert sent to you as well
The Griffin Complex
The Griffin Complex is a facility that helps fulfill the University mission of providing a complete university experience for our students . Housed on the first floor of this building is a gymnasium , locker rooms , training facility and weight and cardio rooms . The second floor holds the Student Services Office including Counseling Services , the Title IX Coordinator , and the office of the Vice President for Student Services and Dean of Students .
Also located on the second floor is the University Store , Rotelle Lounge ( Student Lounge ), and an aerobics room . Use of the facility is open to all students , faculty and staff with a current validated Gwynedd Mercy University ID .
For information on Athletics , call ext . 21574 . For information about athletic events , visit the athletic website at http :// www . gwyneddathletics . com .
Student IDs
Every part-time , full-time , resident or commuter student MUST carry a Gwynedd Mercy University ID at all times while on campus . A University ID is necessary for entrance to campus , residence halls , the Griffin Complex , accessing university printers and for borrowing privileges in the library .
To obtain an ID card , email your picture to Campbell Solution Center at idcardpicture @ gmercyu . edu from your Gwynedd email account and we will issue you an ID card . If you are a new student , there is no charge . Replacement cards will cost $ 10.00 which will be charged to your student account .
Please visit our webpage for the most up to date hours . For further information , please call ext . 21595 .
Inclement Weather In the event of inclement weather , the University ’ s closing / delay information will be announced via the Omnilert notification system via text message , email and / or phone , via portal messages and the University ’ s webpage .
Keiss Library and Learning Commons Keiss Library and Learning Commons is the gateway to scholarly resources at Gwynedd Mercy University . Resources include print book collections , course material reserves , and study aids as well as access to thousands of full-text electronic journals , eBooks , and streaming videos . The Keiss Library homepage provides access to the library catalog , full-text online resources , research guides and tutorials , citation help , and information about library hours , policies , and services . The library ’ s online resources are available on and off campus 24 hours a day , 7 days a week . Students , faculty , and staff can use the library ’ s interlibrary loan service to access materials the library does not own . Keiss Library has desktop computers , a color printer , a scanner , and reservable group and individual study rooms . The Keiss Library and Learning Commons building also houses the University Archives and Special Collections and is a part of the University College ( UC ).