Student Handbook 2022-23 | Page 7

“ United in Mercy : Non-Violence Begins With Me ”


Gwynedd Mercy is a Catholic university rooted in the tradition of the Sisters of Mercy . Our learning community prepares students for successful careers and meaningful lives in a global society .
Core Values As a Mercy University committed to academic excellence , we value :
Integrity in Word and Deed Respect for the Dignity of Each Person Service to Society Social Justice in a Diverse World *
* With a special focus on the Critical Concerns of the Sisters of Mercy : Earth , Immigration , Racism , Non-Violence , Women
The Mission and Values Committee
Invites you to engage in supporting the University ’ s theme for the 2022-2023 academic year :

“ United in Mercy : Non-Violence Begins With Me ”

For more information about the University ’ s theme , the Mission and Values Committee , or how to get involved , please contact :
Stefanie Alderfer or Stephanie Fratantaro - Chairpersons , Mission and Values Committee

Themes from past years :

2021-2022 “ United in Mercy : Social Justice in a Diverse World ” 2020-2021 “ Mercy Prevails : Serving a Changing World ” 2019-2020 “ Practicing Integrity in Word and Deed ” 2018-2019 “ Respect for the Dignity of Each Person ”
2017-2018 “ Choosing Community : Social Justice in a Diverse World ” 2016-2017 “# Make Mercy Real ”
2015-2016 “ Living Mercy Builds Community ” 2014-2015 “ Seeking Truth , Mercy and Justice ” 2013-2014 “ Widen the Circle of Mercy ” 2012-2013 “ Personal Integrity – Social Responsibility ”