Student Handbook 2019-2020 | Page 9

an academic plan prior to enrolling for the next semester. When the next consecutive semester GPA of 2.0 or better is attained, the student will be reinstated to good standing. Academic Probation A program student will be placed on academic probation if his/her semester grade point average falls below 2.0 (“C”) for 2 consecutive semesters. Students and their program Dean or Associate Dean will be notified of the “Academic Probation” status by email. An enrollment hold will be placed on the student account. To ensure successful progress toward completion of his/her program, the student will be required to meet with an academic advisor to develop an academic success plan prior to enrolling for the next semester. If a student had previously registered for the upcoming term and did not meet with an advisor, his/her next semester classes will be dropped with no penalty. When the semester GPA of 2.0 or better is attained, the student will be reinstated to good standing. Academic Suspension A student will be academically suspended after three consecutive semesters of GPAs of less than 2.0. Students and their program Dean or Associate Dean will be notified of the “Academic Suspension Status” by email. The length of a program suspension is one semester exclusive of summer. An enrollment hold will be placed on the student account. If a student had previously registered for the upcoming term, his/her next semester classes will be dropped with no penalty. Students are allowed to enroll in non-credit courses or Program Preparation coursework designed to work on basic academic skills during the semester of academic suspension. A student may apply for re-enrollment to the college after one semester by following the academic re-entry procedure found on the student portal. Upon re-admission to a program, students will remain on academic probation and must meet the academic progress standards stated above. Appeal Process A student has the right to appeal (by submission of an appeal form) a suspension for immediate readmission. A team of NWTC staff will review the appeal and make a final determination. The decision of this team is final. If a student had previously registered for his/her next semester classes and the appeal is denied the classes will be dropped with no penalty. Program changes will not affect a student’s Academic Progress status. Students on academic warning, academic probation, or academic suspension prior to changing programs will remain on that same status. This policy stands as the minimum academic requirements, NWTC programs may have higher requirements. ACCOMMODATION FOR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS Northeast Wisconsin Technical College is committed to embracing the worth of every individual, creating a place for all people, and promoting the respectful environment necessary for intellectual and personal discovery. Removing barriers to serve a diverse population with a variety of religious beliefs and practices sustains this principle. NWTC may provide a reasonable accommodation based on a person’s sincerely held religious belief. In making this determination, NWTC reviews a variety of factors, including whether the accommodation would create an undue hardship for the College. The accommodation request imposes responsibilities and obligations on both the requesting individual and the College. For more information, view the College’s Accommodation for Religious Beliefs Policy. A prayer/meditation room is available in SC225 on the Green Bay campus. Any student who has concerns should contact Mohammed Bey, Director of Diversity & Inclusion/Title IX Coordinator, at (920) 498-6826 or [email protected]. Diversity & Inclusion is located in Human Resources. ACCREDITATION OF PROGRAMS Northeast Wisconsin Technical College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and is a member of the North Central Association,