Student Handbook 2019-2020 | Page 40

the College has appropriate documentation of said need, as long as the College is directly sponsoring said club or activity or if the club or activity is held on premises owned and/or operated by NWTC. The College will not be responsible, however, for accommodations as defined by ADA and Section 504 of Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, if functions and/or extracurricular activities are not directly sponsored by one or more of Northeast Wisconsin Technical College’s departments or programs, and if said functions or activities are held on premises other than those owned and operated by NWTC. This includes, but is not limited, to state sponsored program competitions held off campus, CTSO conferences, and any other function as defined by NWTC administrative policy. Student functions that are held outside the College facilities are subject to the guidelines and policies established by the College, Student Services, Student Involvement Office, Student Senate, and staff in charge of each function. These functions can include, but are not limited to, club field trips, leadership development, state and national competition, banquets, graduations, and all other functions which take place in the best interest of the College. Student Senate Student Senate representatives from each student organization are named at the beginning of each year. They meet twice monthly to promote the welfare of the student body. The Student Senate Executive Board, made up of officers elected from the representatives, outlines plans and policies for the Student Senate members. Shared Harvest Shared Harvest food pantry is available to currently enrolled students. Students may receive one bag of groceries per week in the Student Involvement Office (SC118) on the Green Bay campus or the main office of the Sturgeon Bay and Marinette campuses. Grocery bags can be sent to Regional Learning Centers upon request. Students will be asked to present a valid student photo ID in order to receive groceries. Food is available through donations from faculty, staff and students. STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES Mission: Provide non-academic support and access to resources to help students succeed. The Student Support Services team (located in SC133) is dedicated to assisting students achieve success by providing non-academic support services outside of the NWTC classroom. Services are offered to all students, with focused support for: - Childcare resources and monetary support for parents - Community/social service agency resources and referrals (food-share, housing, energy assistance, and more) - Financial Wellness Center/Financial Coach - Foster Youth – Assistance navigating the college experience - Inspire*Dream*Achieve – Program dedicated to Door County women who want to achieve a higher education degree - Non-Traditional Occupations – 25% or less of one gender (i.e., women in welding, men in nursing) - Peer Mentor Program – New incoming and first-generation students receive support and guidance as they adjust to college life - Pencil Box (Need basic school supplies? Stop in!) - NWTC Scholarship 101 Workshops - Shared Harvest - Student Emergency Funds The Financial Wellness Center/Financial Coach is also located within Student Support Services and offers help with budget plans, understanding financial aid, student loans and community resources. Shared Harvest food pantry is available to currently enrolled students. Students may receive one bag of groceries per week in the Student Support Services office (SC133) on the Green Bay campus or the main office of the Marinette and Sturgeon Bay campuses as well as all the Regional Learning Centers. Students will be asked to present a valid student photo ID to receive groceries. Food is available through donations from faculty, staff and students. The Student Emergency Fund may be available to eligible students for short-term, emergency assistance and community resource referrals for unplanned financial emergencies