Student Handbook 2019-2020 | Page 38

8. The College shall also have the opportunity to bring witnesses and present findings to the Student Conduct Panel. The Panel may then ask follow-up questions for clarification before releasing the College personnel from the hearing. Deliberation The Student Conduct Panel dismisses the student to deliberate the facts and to determine responsibility. Consider only the evidence submitted during the hearing. Avoid speculation unsupported by logical or factual analysis utilizing a "preponderance of the evidence" standard of proof (51%). The Student Conduct Panel decides whether or not the student is responsible for the violation(s). Determining Sanctions 1. The Chairperson explains the possible sanctions available to the Student Conduct Panel and the sanctioning process using the sanction guidelines. 2. Student Conduct Panel members must reach consensus on their sanction recommendation. Panel members will vote by hand vote unless a secret ballot is requested of at least one Panel member. Presentation of Decision The decision of the panel will be sent to the student electronically, via their student email account ( The decision will be provided to the student within 24 hours of the meeting If the accused student is found responsible: 1. 2. 3. The Chairperson will deliver the sanctions decided upon by the Student Conduct Panel as well as the rationale for determining that particular sanction. The panel decision is submitted to the Dean of Student Development’s office. The Dean will review and approve findings after all students in that report have been heard and their notes reviewed. Then the Dean of Student Development will notify students via a decision letter. The accused student will be informed of the right to appeal the decision and/or sanction. Appeal of the Conduct Process All students have the right to appeal disciplinary decisions with the exception of students who request a formal hearing but do not attend their scheduled hearing time. Appeal requests must be made in writing to the Vice President of Student Services within three (3) business days after verbal or written notification of the sanction. A student may appeal for two (2) reasons which include: - - The introduction of new information Failure to uphold the student’s rights An appeal must contain the following information: - - - Reason for the appeal request The name, address, and telephone number of the party A clear statement explaining the nature and circumstances of the appeal, citing the new evidence and/or the explanation with specifics of the alleged lack of fairness in the prior hearing The Vice President of Student Services or designee will render and cause a decision to be sent to the student via their NWTC email account within (ten) 10 academic days after receipt of the appeal. At the discretion of the Dean of Student Development or designee, sanctions may be deferred while a request for an appeal is being considered. STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES FREE student health services are offered to currently enrolled students in the College’s Campus Care Clinic located on the Green Bay campus. The services are similar to Bellin Health’s Fast Care® model. Appointments/walk-ins (specific times) are welcome and visits are no cost (including labs). At the clinic, nurse practitioners and physician’s assistants treat patients for common ailments including ear infections, strep throat or minor burns and rashes. Students must have a current NWTC student photo I.D. card to use the services. Bellin Health maintains all records and no one at NWTC has access to individual records.