Student Handbook 2019-2020 | Page 15

National Exam. Credit will be awarded upon the review of the official scores for AP, IB, CLEP, DSST. Scores from national exams not listed here will be evaluated on case-by-case basis. Credit for Military Training and Experience. Based upon the program choice, student degree completion analysis, Net years of active military service, and a discharge under conditions other than dishonorable, a Service Member/Veteran will be awarded up to 7 credits of general education coursework as outlined below: For one year of active military service: • College 101 (10-890-101) • Oral/Interpersonal Communication (10-801-196) For three years of active military service: • Intro to Ethics: Theory and Application (10-809-166) Credit by Portfolio or Skills Demonstration. Students may be granted credit for knowledge and skills gained from previous work, life, and military experiences that are comparable in content and level with specific NWTC courses through a portfolio or demonstration assessment. Students will be charged a $90 assessment fee per course. Credit by Exam. Students may also earn college credit through NWTC credit by exams which are developed by NWTC faculty members and cover course competencies. Students will be charged a $50 assessment fee per course. To get started, contact the Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) advisor at (920) 498-6388 to setup a consultation, or fill out a consultation form at DISABILITY SERVICES Disability Services offers assistance to individuals with disabilities at ALL NWTC sites. A wide range of services and accommodations are offered to assist students in reaching their educational goals. The Disability Services staff will help guide students through their educational experience at NWTC by providing case management and support services. Students with exceptional educational needs include, but are not limited to, the following: Autism Spectrum Disorders, Learning Disabilities, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Blind or Visually Impaired, Deaf or Hard of Hearing, Anxiety Disorders, Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Orthopedically Impaired, or Speech Impaired. Students with a documented disability can meet with a case manager by calling (920) 498-6904 or emailing: [email protected]. DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION NWTC values the inherent worth of each person at the College; students, staff and faculty. The College acknowledges the many similarities are shared with one another, yet some have their own unique backgrounds, experiences, needs, skills and stories. The College views these differences as something to be respected and learned from. This valuing of each person’s inherent worth means that our environment should strive to treat all with respect, compassion, value, and fairness. Along with cutting-edge education and specialized services, students are prepared for the global economy through diversity-based curriculum and co-curricular programs. College services, resources, and activities help to meet students where they are, and remove barriers to success so that course and program completion is achieved, and a satisfying and life sustaining career is attained. For questions or further conversation, students are welcome to contact Mohammed Bey, Director of Diversity & Inclusion/Title IX Coordinator, at (920) 498-6826 or [email protected]. Diversity & Inclusion is located in Human Resources. E-MAIL POLICY NWTC provides an e-mail system for the use of the students of NWTC in their College related activities. Any messages transmitted via the NWTC e-mail system are subject to all requirements and regulations regarding