Student Essays, Opinions & Other Insights on a Sustainable UMD 2013-2014 Academic Year | Page 26

Sustainable Student Groups Beyond these student essays and the sustainability pledge, there is an immense amount of effort put forth on campus by students to promote sustainability. There were over 30 student groups that hosted tables at this year’s Earth Day Festival to celebrate the sustainability efforts of their organization. Highlighted below are 15 of the most active: American Indian Student Union: Raise awareness and visibility of American Indian cultures and discuss affairs facing American Indian students and the American Indian community. They raise awareness about environmental impacts on tribal communities such as the Keystone XL pipeline. CHUM: Cooperative Housing University of Maryland perfect the principles of cooperative living, like consensus-based decision making equal housing, and community building. All the houses have bike racks and many compost, garden, and are powered by renewable energy. This year members organized and built a community garden in Calvert Hills open to all residents to promote organic food and healthy eating. Clean Energy at UMD: This club has become one of the strongest independent voices on campus calling for reducing state and local carbon emissions. Through advocacy, education and mobilization, we can inspire changes that lead to an empowered university community and a cleaner, greener world. Food Recovery Network (FRN): Unites students on college campuses to fight waste and feed people by donating the surplus unsold food from their colleges and donating to hungry Americans. Engineers Without Borders (EWB-USA): Supports community-driven development programs worldwide by collaborating with local partners to design and implement sustainable engineering projects, while creating transformative experiences and responsible leaders. Maryland PIRG is a consumer group that stands up to powerful interests whenever they threaten our health and safety, our financial security, or our right to fully participate in our democratic society. This year they have worked on passing the Bottle Bill in Maryland to reduce emissions and waste within the state. Meatless Monday: Encourages students to adopt more sustainable and humane eating habits through education and outreach. This year the organization held a lasagna taste-testing event in which students could choose between vegan and meat options. They also handed out recipes for vegetarian meals.   22