Student Drafts_ Season One, Episode One | Page 2

Welcome to the very first episode of our new collaboration between Ms . Lazzizera , the Teaneck High School Media Center , and Creative
Writing students from our community ! As the our name suggests , these are works in progress , which we share with our broader learning family in the spirit of creativity and growth . If you enjoyed any of these pieces , please reach out to the authors ! Thank you for reading our work .
Peace , Mr . Sherbine
Die Verführerin Makayla Tolson
The waves whish and whoosh , the currents pulling the unsuspecting men towards a force waiting to be reckoned with . Die Verführerin is what they call it . Beware for it will play its song and once you hear it you ’ re hooked ; no man has ever come back alive after interacting with it .
I think back to what that old man said to me . Stories , they ’ re all just stupid stories to keep us away from going out too far . Well , it ’ s not going to stop me and my men . I have a family to provide for and this is the only way I can support them ; we ’ re on the verge of poverty and a wish isn ’ t going to keep us afloat .
We stir o into the setting evening sky with hopes bigger than our pockets , hoping we can find something to last us for at least a month .
An hour or two into our ride , we see something in the distance , someone who needs help ? An animal ? Or just a piece of land ? At this point , it was di cult to see anything with the thick fog and night sky blocking my field of vision .
“ Help , help me ” a soft cry coming from a woman in distress , but how is that possible ? She was just a mile away and now she was a few feet in front of our boat . Did she swim ?