Student Drafts_ Season One, Episode One | Page 13

And where were they ? Right by me , The fountain , the fountain of friendship and love , They danced , and danced indeed , full of laughter , Making memories .
For he was so foolish and young , In love and distraught , She has blinded him , Right in the eye , She is slick , And now she creates nothing , But little white lies .
“ It ’ s been three days ,” “ It ’ s been four days ,” he cries to himself , No word from his lover , The only home he had ever known , He was a mess without her , Her touch was all a dream now , A reality that became an expectation .
One horrid day he comes back to me , I was the fountain of his home , But I had betrayed him , And so has she , Standing before him , Was his girl and another man , Hand in hand , making memories .
Just like her and he did . For months he didn ’ t come back , This home was toxic to him now , An area of negative energy , I had no one to take care of me And my luxurious skin , I began to wither away .