Student Drafts_ Season One, Episode One | Page 11

Now that I am a senior in high school , taking two separate writing classes , I have learned a lot about myself . Writing is a therapeutic state of mind that I go into when I don ’ t want to talk to anyone else . I love reading but relying on someone else ' s ideas to transport me into their world doesn ’ t cut it sometimes . I love painting but that relies on skills I don ’ t have the time to work on . No other medium can allow me to express myself better than through my words . I used my writing to get me into college . I used my writing in competitions . But most importantly , I used my writing on myself .
“ Pretty with long hair ” Eliot Athalia Barroso
I ' m going to cut my hair off . I ' ve been letting my hair grow for two years . And during those two years , I ' ve been growing and made a lot of memories . These memories will stay with me forever , but my hair will hold them better than my brain can .
I was once told that hair holds memories , and I ' ve believed that ever since . As dumb as it was , in the past I would cut my hair any time something went wrong . It did make me feel better . Not only did it make me feel lighter , it also made me forget whatever I was upset about . Forgetting was easier than dealing with my problems . My mother never liked it when I did that , saying that I ' d look like a boy . This was part of the reason I didn ' t mind cutting my hair so often ; I didn ' t like looking like a girl . Now that my hair is the “ appropriate ” length for a girl , people tell me not to cut it .
“ Your hair is finally so long and pretty , why would you cut it ?” My grandma would say . Others tell me something similar to that . I don ' t like hearing that .
I didn ' t let my hair grow so I could look pretty .
His Fountain Ashley Bryant
Tall and prestigious , Its flow tells a story , An old legend of something that could ’ ve been , A love that could have been explored , But it ’ s gone , all disappeared ,