Student Detectives 2: Another Case of the Mystery Countries | Page 12


Clapping games are very popular, mainly among young girls In Belgium

These games can be played in pairs or in larger groups. Children can play together for a very long time and they rarely make mistakes!

Clapping games are usually accompanied by songs.

Here are some examples of songs. Still trying to guess the language used for the first one…

Hotella – Marchandella – Vivase – Adidase – Hotella – Marchandella – Vivase – Adidase ….

La reine d’Espagne fait danser ses filles. La première fait « chachacha », la deuxième fait « holala », la troisième fait « 1,2,3 ».

The Queen of Spain makes her daughters dance. The first one says "chachacha", the second one says "holala", the third one says "1,2,3“.