Student Detectives 2: Another Case of the Mystery Countries | Page 10


(Stary niedźwiedź)

Children chose one person as a bear. The bear is sitting in the middle of the circle pretending that he is asleep and it is snoring loudly; the children in a circle and sing:


(children are walking in the circle and sing)

Old bear is sleeping deeply,

Stary niedzwiedz mocno spi,

Old bear is sleeping deeply,

Stary niedzwiedz mocno spi,

We walked on our tiptoes as we're afraid of him,

Na palcach chodzimy, bo sie go boimy

When he'd wake up he would eat us!

Jak sie zbudzi to nas zje,

When he'd wake up he would eat us.

Jak sie zbudzi to nas zje.


(children are standing round in the circle and recite)

the first hour (passed) - the bear sleeps

Pierwsza godzina - niedzwiedz spi,

The second hour (passed)- the bear snores

Druga godzina - niedzwiedz chrapie,

The third hour - the bear wakes up and he's catching us!!!!

Trzecia godzina - niedzwiedz budzi sie i lapie!!!!!!!!

Then the person in the middle pretending to be a bear stands up and tries to catch somebody while children break a circle and run away trying to escape; the next caught person is a new bear and the play repeats!