A night of plenty: Mr and Miss
Thuthuka, Jasmyn and Verries
Haseena Saley
It was a night of “Royalty” as a combined pageant was
held by the residences of Thuthuka, Jasmyn and Verries on 24 April 2014. A night of glitz and glamour which
resulted in the crowning of Mr and Miss Thuthuka, Miss
Jasmyn and Mr Verries and of course the “ultimate winners”. The setting was majestic, the models looked the
part, the audience were there in numbers and as for the
judges; their fashion glasses were on-point and ready
for judging.
The pageant consisted of 26 good looking and confident models (13 males and 13 females), three judges
and more than a handfull of audience members. The
setup was spectacular and the Big Lapa was turned into
a palace with purple and white draping. The residences
went all out by deviating from the conventional judges
and getting well, rather special judges. The first judge
introduced herself as Christell Pearson, owner of Figures Models and Talent and a talent scout of the IMTA
(USA-NEW YORK). She is also an international model.
The second judge was Jeremy Mooi from NWU Vaal
Marketing and Communications Department and an experienced judge. Lastly Nthabiseng Semudi, the CSRC
of Arts and Culture and ISRC member and a Latin
and ballroom dancer. The MCs
of the night
w e r e
sango and Kathelo also known as (Katz) whose personalities complimented the event. They were bubbly and
very interactive.
The models made their way out as a projector displayed
a photograph of them and a voice-over of each of them
introducing themselves played in the background.
Thereafter a ‘sexy’ dance performance by the models
followed. The model’s outfits varied from a black jean
and white t-shirt (in the beginning), to cultural wear, to
“dress like someone famous” and lastly evening wear.
Between each of the outfit changes there was a performance. There were dance and singing performances
which kept the audience hyped up and engaged in the
pageant. There was something for everyone, as the
pageant continued, the MCs told the audience members
to look underneath their chairs and if it was marked to
come to the stage with those chairs. The lucky three
people won water bottles and tickets to the official Mr
and Miss NWU Vaal pageant.
There were five finalists from each resident and each
of these finalists were asked questions regarding current affairs in South Africa. From the ability to answer
the question and the answer itself the judges made their
decision. A vote of thanks was given by the Project Officers of each of the residences and they mentioned their
satisfaction of the turnout of the pageant. The pageant
ended with the following winners:
Winner: Dulsa Chemane
1st Princess- Ruth Shata
2nd Princess- Sharon Mokgawa
Winner: Nhlanhla Zim
1st Prince-Bruce Mthinyane
2nd Prince-Peter Kungeke
Winner: Dikeledi Mahlasi
1st Princess- Prevashna Flemmer
2nd Princess- Reabetswe Montsho
Winner: Steven Motloung
1st Prince- Yanga Ma