Student 24/7 May 2014 | Page 28

GUYS TALK Putt into the hole Ratanang Mogatusi In a game of golf, it is the person with the lowest score who wins. This score is determined by the number of strokes it takes a player to get the ball from the tee, and into the hole in the green. In other words, the fewer times you hit the ball to get it from the start of the course and into the hole at the end of the course, the better. Inherently, due to this fact, the greatest aspiration of any golfer is to hit a hole-in-one; which is the act of scoring one’s ball into the hole with the golfer’s first stroke when teeing off. This is however much easier said than done, as the distance to each hole is typically 240 yards from the tee. The average recreational golfer can hit a ball about as far as 200 yards, whereas pro golfers can hit a ball as far as 300 yards. There are eighteen holes on a golf course. That’s eighteen opportunities to get your hole-in-one. Sadly, this does not necessarily improve one’s odds to do it. One can however still score a bogey, or even a birdie. This would be one stroke over, or under par, respectively (par is a standard score for a whole). They aren’t as profound as a hole-in-one, but they are a good standard by which you can measure your game. More than that, they can help you attain a decent score, and maybe even to win the game. Herein lays the moral of our story. Life is like a game of golf; you might not hit it right into the hole with that first hit, but you still have seventeen more holes to try again. Likewise, each that we rise to see the sun again is like a new beginning, and another chance to try for a new hole-in-one. Much like life, golf has its challenges along the way to that goal. A player is faced with several adversities that will try to break one’s spirit and contest their devotion to getting the job done. It is for this reason that it is important to take on every trial as you would a round of golf. When stepping up to the tee, the player assertively stands his ground ready to drive the ball into the air using a wooden 28 - Student 24/7 club. Once you’re in the fairway (the area between the tee and the green) things can become frustrating, and one may find him/herself in a sand bunker, or water hazard, but so long as you have your irons and hybrid clubs you should be able to battle your way into the green. Quitting is always an option, but if you do, you’ll never make it into the green; therefore you will never win. Once you’re in the green, the end is now in sight. Your goal now becomes more real, as you can see it before you. It can feel both so near, and yet so far. It now becomes more important than ever that you maintain your composure and focus on that final stretch. To taste victory, you equip yourself with your putter; or whatever tools you need to overcome your obstacle. Relax. Take a moment to breath, and putt that ball into that hole.