What does it means to us? A look from two journalists...
Malenyalo Molemane
On 3 May 2014, the country and the world were celebrating “World Press Freedom Day”. According to, World Press Freedom Day is
annually observed on May 3 to inform the international
community that freedom of the press and freedom of
expression are fundamental human rights. This day reminds people that back in the days, many journalists
were jailed and killed to bring daily news to the public.
Getting an understanding of what this day means to
future journalists or students who are studying media.
Dumisa Mbonjwa, 2nd year student in BA Communication, says that this day means freedom for the press to
be able to report on all matters that are in public interest,
including those that the government would rather keep
a secret. Phila Mavuso, 3rd year in BA Communication
said “it means to honour journalists who struggled under
inadequate or oppressive conditions to report so as to
tell the truth.
Keleabetswe Narenti
Looking at the condition of the media
in our country, how it has developed
to become fast and effective in delivering news and informing the people
of South Africa it is easy to say that
the SA media should celebrate their
freedom, with issues like the implementation of the secrecy bill threating
to take away the freedom of expression or press. Which is of importance
and so is the right to receive information; the South African media should
take pride in joining other nations to
celebrate the World Press Freedom
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
And UNESCO Director-General Irina
Bokova said "Journalism provides
a platform for informed discussion
This day was proclaimed by the United Nations General
Assembly in 1993 December as World Press Freedom
Day. Despite the effort made to protect media, journalists
are still killed or jailed just because the want to expose
the truth. More work is still needed to be done to protect
or ensure that our journalists are protected. Standing together as a nation to secure the rights and safety of our
journalists who are killed or harassed for bringing truthful information on what is happening around the globe
and the country.
This day is celebrated to remind and inform everyone
that journalists have rights to freedom of opinion and expression. Journalists can give or inform the public about
what is happening in the world or country and they must
give true and valid information. They must not use the
opportunity to take advantage and give false information
to the public.
across a wide range of development issues – from environmental
challenges and scientific progress
to gender equality, youth engagement and peace building. Only when
journalists are at liberty to monitor,
investigate and criticize policies and
actions can good governance exist."
World Press Freedom Day was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in December 1993, following the
recommendation of UNESCO's General Conference. Since then, 3 May,
the anniversary of the Declaration of
Windhoek was celebrated worldwide
as World Press Freedom Day.
It is an opportunity t