Student 24/7 June 2014 | Page 21

GALS TALK He loves me... Bridgett Dikgale I remember in my first year when the Rector made a welcoming speech. He mentioned something about making friends that will be friends forever; but what really caught my attention was when he mentioned something about “meeting your life partner”. To think of it, many couples who met in university and they are happily married; does this mean that we all stand a chance of meeting the right person here? I bet this became almost everyone’s goal also, to meet Mr/Miss right, right? Some people even call it the “second degree” or a bonus. physically). Your question might be, how will I know if he loves me or he loves me not? Well even scientists or magicians can’t answer that but I think if he makes you feel special, makes you smile, makes you laugh, treats you right or if he is willing to go the extra just to prove that he loves you, you should give that person a chance. On the other hand, if he makes you feel cheap, disrespects you or even makes you feel bad about yourself, he doesn’t deserve you. This made me very curious and experimental. Everyday walking on Campus, I would just look around and try to guess who it might be. It is fun, but some people often go to the extreme measures and have their hearts broken, unaware that they are settling for less. I met a lot of people whose hearts have been broken in the search of finding the right partner. It is so painful to see them being used and not being treated the way they deserve to be treated. We are often made side-chicks, one-night stands or even hit-and runs. The question is, if he is the right one, would you fall in that category? Don’t you think he would make you his first (if not second) priority to prove that he is serious about you? If he truly loved you, he would climb the tallest tree on campus and say “I love this girl” (please don’t try this, I mean literally) or even walk around to show you off and not come to your room only at night and do whatever he does then leave. It is so sad that we often give attention to those who don’t love us and push away the ones who truly do. I think we all reached that matured stage whereby we don’t choose a guy for his looks or his possession, that Is so high school if not primary. You should go for someone who would go an extra mile for you, a guy who would catch a grenade for you or even fight for you (not Student 24/7 - 21