* Kevin enjoys a longstanding relationship with the Vaal
Triangle Campus and on 14 March 2013 he set up a
new Pi Matrix World Memory Record when he successfully attempted to not only memorise the first 10 000
digits of Pi (the number which expresses the ratio of
the circumference of a circle to its diameter), but also
to recall the digits in the correct order from anywhere in
the sequence. Pi has been calculated to over one trillion
digits beyond its decimal point and represents an infinite
sequence of numbers. To date Kevin is one of only four
people in the world that has ever been able to perform
such a feat and he did so by setting up a new world
record of 16 minutes, 38 seconds. This record is recognised by the International Federation of Memory Sports
and by the Book of Mental World Records.
Human Rights - priority on NWU Campuses
Annette Willemse
The Human Rights Committee is not just a complaints
committee. With these words, Chairperson of the NorthWest University’s Human Rights Committee, Advocate
Rehana Rawat, greeted student leaders of the NWU
Vaal Triangle Campus on 18 January.
As part of the on-going training for student leaders initiated by the Campus Student Affa