Well hello there...
Kinga Siejek
If you are reading this, then it means that you have
stumbled upon a little bit of awesomeness on Campus...
Not to sound vain, or blow my own horn, but I am quite
proud of our little magazine. Now if you are a regular
avid reader; you might be a bit confused as to why I
am saying magazine... There has always been a bit of
confusion of what we are. Well, to make it easier, I used
the December recess to think about the question (yes, I
don’t have much of a social life, hehe).
After having a good long chat with Vuvu (who constantly
tried to make the whole conversation about himself, and
tried to steal my sandwiches) we finally agreed that our
look, our feel, our stories, our everything is more magazine than newspaper. So, with all hands in (and some
wings) we concluded on what we are.
Now, we are not 100% fully where we want to be, but
boy are we getting there!
So use this as a warning, make sure you take all necessary medication before paging through and having a
heart attack at seeing things differently. BUT keep those
smiles on your faces, and the mouse turning, as you go
from page-to-page and have a look at the new us!
I couldn’t stop myself from smiling thinking of all the
amazing things that Student 24/7 will be doing this year,
and all the years to come!
But I defintely could not have done it without the AMAZING Student 24/7 members this year! We have such a
huge bunch of talentd students for us, that I feel like a
proud mamma! No edition could ever be great without
the dedication from its members, and from what I have
seen just for this month, there will be new things and
greater improvements to come!
While writing this letter, I can’t help but notice all the
amazing things that have happened on Campus, and to
myself so far this year (especially this month!). On my
first morning back at work, I told myself that no matter
what, I will walk into the office with a smile, and leave
with a smile. Always easier said than done, BUT it is
possible. Just a smile (even if it feels fake at first) can
change your emotions and those around you so quickly
that in meer minutes that smile is wide, with shiny teeth
showing and laughter filling the air. So try it! Look in the
mirror every morning, pull a funny face, or just a smiple
smile, and keep it plastered on for the whole day!
Speaking of smiles... I can’t wait for the busy next few
days! (Not to be over but to begin!) W
What does this all mean? Well if you must know:
• It means we party like crazy on Thursday (FYP
• Wear RED, the colour of love on Friday (Valentine’s
2 - Student 24/7
Buy TONS of cupcakes that will probably be pink
and red (that you can either give to the one you
love, or enjoy it yourself) on Friday AS WELL
AND THEN join in on the fun and special moments
and memories of those who we lost and who fight
cancer everyday, throughout Saturday night until
Sunday morning (CANSA Relay)...
Looking at it now, I will need to find time in-between all of this to catchs a few cat naps... Anyone
have a spare bed for me? Anyway, back to the issue at hand (literally, hehe) read on and enjoy!