Where there’s smoke...
...there’s the annual Battle of the Blocks and More
Fire at Faranani
Selina Mokatsane
A little after 20:00 the House Committee’s (HKs) of Faranani Residence were up and about in a bid to
get everything ready for the night.
The reason? On 22 August was the
night to showcase the residence’s
finest dancers, actors and singers.
Although in the previous year the
two events were separate and occurred on different days, this year
saw the Battle of the Blocks and
the More Fire events being merged,
hosted behind F Block.
Battle of the Blocks is an annual
event herein the blocks compete in
various performances. These blocks
are A Block, B Block, C Block, D
Block, E block and F Block respectively. On the other hand, More
Fire entails storytelling and poetry
recitals (and many other acts really)
around a bon fire.
Upon arrival everyone was handed
a skewer on which their marshmallows were to be roasted. They
gathered around each of the three
bon fires made on the chilly night.
Conversations were sparked and
chats ensued as they waited enthusiastically for the performances. The
most predominant act was singing,
although dancingwas the craze as
soon as the music played during
intervals as the blocks prepared!
8 - Student 24/7
First up was C Block, and the last
performance of the night was that of
F Block.
This year the much coveted title of
Battle of the Blocks winner
was taken by D Block (this is
the block allocated to males
with remarkable academic
results). Given that the
winner last year was F
Block (First Years), it is
evident that this is anyone’s
battle. So as we now know
that where there’s smoke,
there is the annual Battle of
the Blocks and More Fire
at Faranani; we wait with
bated breath for next year’s
event to see who will take
the title next.