and make use of every opportunity.”
The second speaker, Lehobo said,
“As a young person you must explore
the workplace, because we are looking for different qualities.” The speaker in for Dr Walker-Williams said, “Be
driven from the inside, motivated
from within and be keen for personal
growth.” The last consecutive speaker, Motapi said, “Never be scared to
ask for help, especially when formulating a CV and never lie in your CV.”
She pointed out how some Matric
leavers and University leavers don’t
know how to type their own CVs. As
she works in the HR department, this
is one of the problems she faces with
when she has to hire young people.
A young man named T-Jazz recited a
poem titled “It’s a Hustle”. After him, it
was time for the main purpose of the
day to commence. The main item of
the day was the Debate component.
There were three members from
each team representing each Faculty. Guest adjudicators were: Sydney
Madibo (Chief Adjudicator), Njabulo
Madonsela, Lefu Dlamini and Eric
Mbuyazi (Former CSRC Academics
Officer and motivational speaker).
The topic for the debate was, “Government’s lack of accountability
causes youth not to vote during national democratic elections.” The
proposition team was the Faculty of
Economic Sciences and IT and the
opposition party was the Faculty of
Humanities. The proposition party
had eloquent speakers, all three of
them, while the opposition party only
had two. The last speaker of the opposition party was a substitute for
another candidate, when the actual
speaker arrived to take his place (after attending to other priorities); he
was refused the permission to do so
by the adjudicators. The substitute
disappointed everyone in the house,
he proved to be shy and uninformed
of what he was talking about, this
even left some people laughing and
others just giggling.
Both team argued the best way they
could, the proposition party stated
that the government acts only during
the short period before the elections
and makes never-ending promises
afterwards, without providing action.
While the opposition party stated
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that government delivers according
to its responsibilities, but it cannot
force anyone to use the resources it
provides. It is just people’s choice of
ignorance and negligence. After the
last speaker of the opposition team,
the chief adjudicator took the podium. He pointed out some points that
both teams left out in arguing their
case, yet he said that they shall only
be judged on what they said and the
points they brought forward.
Before the results were released,
Eric Mbuyazi took to the podium.
He was a charismatic speaker, who
started by giving a small description
of his background, which most of his
motivation was based on. He outlined a number of points which I’m
sure they left everyone in the house
thinking, points such as:
Don’t let your problems determine
your progress.
Believe in God.
Keep away from associating with
wrong people and let go of friends.
Be different.
Don’t focus
on “Have not’s”.
Someone is
always looking.
What you do
on a daily basis
is what you become.
sleep and know
when to act.
what you have.
In closing he
said, “Poverty
may have the
power to make
you see life
negatively, but it
also says to you
‘stand up, you
can do something good with
your life.’”
were then issued and again,
the team that
won was the
Faculty of Economic Sciences
and IT by 151
points, while the Faculty of Humanities only got 105 points. At the end
of the day, there had to be only one
winner, and the title of the best performance in Debate went to the winning team.
At the very end of the event, certificates were handed to all the students
who participated in the Faculty FaceOff, including t