Graduation 101
Kinga Siejek
So the day is fast approaching. You have worked hard
the last few years, with endless studying, assignments,
and exams that made you feel like pulling your teeth
out. BUT it is almost over; graduation is just around the
Now while some of you who may be reading this, might
want to go on to the next article, as you still have a year,
or two, or even three left until that glorious day. KEEP
READING. (It never hurts to be prepared).
Graduation is the day when you have a chance to share
your accomplishements with your family and friends.
Your hard work has paid off, and now it is time to get
that piece of paper that shows the world you are worthy.
But then come the questions (especially for the ladies)
on what to do and what to wear!
If it is your first graduation, the feelings you get are like
when entering the classroom for that exam you didn’t
study well for. The little question pops into your head:
“What do I do now?”
The Letter
Firsly; read through your letter very carefully! Yes, just
like when you get accepted to study, you get a letter
telling y