Student 24/7 Apr 2014 | Page 18

SA NEWS te OR ? o Vo ote T to V not Java ne Zwa When it comes to the issue of voting, many young people find themselves not knowing where they stand, mainly because of the numerous issues that still need to be addressed, by political party. What makes people, especially young people, of South Africa resistant and shy towards voting is that they are tired of hearing the government make the same empty promises. This leads the people to not have trust in the government, and this is a serious problem. The people of South Africa find themselves faced with problems such as pot holes, high taxes, e-toll, poverty, unemployment, and the list is endless. These are some of the reasons why people feel as though they don’t need to vote, because whoever they vote for, the lies are all the same. A serious problem we have in South Africa is having young people who are politically illiterate. For instance, a lot of young people do not know or understand what democracy really means. Most will say it is “freedom” but this definition is wrong, as democracy is loosely defined as “the government of the people, by the people, for the people”. This is sad because young people are more excited about the idea of freedom, then they are about knowing the fundamentals of politics and leadership, which will often lead them to poor decision making when it comes to political matters. A group of young people is starting to emerge. This group believes in the impossible. They believe in a South Africa where politicians keep and fulfil the promises they make. These young people believe that no matter how bad the circumstance, there will forever be room for change and improvement. If the youth, and people in general, of this country would not only change their mentality but also get up and take action , in a more positive manner, a lot of good can be seen in the future of this beautiful this country we call “home”. With elections just around the corner, the decision to vote still lies in your hands. Mahatma Gandhi once said “Be the change you want to see in the world.”, and casting your vote, on Election Day, is the way to have your voice heard. Remember to vote on 7 May 2014, and make that change.