Stud Life 2013-2014 June 2014 | Page 27

Michael! I'm so glad we had the chance to get to know each other better this year. You're super cool and are an awesome video-maker/editor. I know you'll do some great things in the future! -Jamie

Despite the fact you are occasionally sassy with me, I’m seriously going to miss you next year. You and Thomas never failed to make me laugh. I hope that you have an awesome time at LMU!


Michael! Have a great summer and nice job on the videos this year! (:


You are one of my favorite guys in our class by far. Hilarious and always great to be around.


you're so great & I wish you all the best!


4 more years! Hey bud, you're a great pal and an amazing person! yay! love you!


Best service group of all time! Loved getting to know you these past 4 years! Good luck in college. Oh and I still have to finish Breaking Bad! You got me hooked!


Michael! Im so happy that I was able to get closer to you this year, have fun at LMU next year!


Mikey Mike you are so chill even though you and Ali snaked me at LSL. But we can talk about that later. Im gonna miss you man Lion Up! Have a blast in college.


Michael, although you didn’t play soccer this year, I’m still really glad we got to be on student life together and have great times at school.


Watch out Michael.

And stay sassy.


Mike, this has been such a fun year, thanks for getting me through the confusion that was LTV. Go Lions!


This year on Student Life has been awesome! The videos you have made have been amazing. Every time we need to promote something, we can always rely on you to get a video out for the school to see. Thank you so much! We are going to miss you next year.
