Haley - it was great getting to know you this year! I'm so glad you came onto the team, bringing your energy and spunk with you! I'll miss braiding fishtails for you next year!! Love, Jamie
Thank you for all your hard work on the team Haley! I am so happy we got closer through student life, and I hope that next year will be even better, love you!
Haley! Great job with the lunchtime activites this year! I’m looking forward to working with you on this team next year! Hope you have a great summer(:
Great volleyball player. WSU is lucky to have you!
Super sweet girl with a lot of energy, glad to be working with you next year.
I'm glad you were a part of the Activites Team, Haley! You're a smart girl and really chill too. Enjoy senior year!
I'm excited for next year, I'm so happy we were on activites together.
:) I ROCK - "The less you care, the happier you are"
You're honestly a beast at volleyball! I wish I was as athletic as you are! Keep up the great spikes! Haha! You're amazing!
Haley, it was great getting to know you so much better this year. Have a great time on student
life next year!