STRUT! May 2014 | Page 22

Cassandra Pruitt It was early in my life that I discovered a gift. It was a gift “to know.” I at times could know all about a person just by talking to or being near them. I wasn’t quite sure what to do with “it” but “it” was there. As a kid I was ridiculed for not being “tactful’ when speaking to others on what I “Knew” about them and their life. I had a hard time discerning if the information I knew about them was to be shared or kept….Why or how could I keep this information to myself if perhaps it could help another? Well the journey began. I thought that perhaps I should be a Psychologist… but ugh! That took school and structure. I thought again… Maybe I will be an inspirational speaker? Or an Internet talk show host? An inspirational Gospel singer? Yes, I had So many choices and not a clue which way to go. So the search continued. It wasn’t until After the birth of my second child that I felt a deeper fervor to do something with my life. I was suffering. I was too emotional, too depressed and too sad to go on. I suffered from post partum syndrome and didn’t know. A friend who had seen the signs suggested I take a yoga class. YOGA? What? I’m Baptist, I don’t do yoga. LOL. What will yoga do for me? She insisted that I come to find out for myself. I took her up on the idea and 10 years later, I am Now the Healer that I always knew I should be! During that first yoga class, the Spirit level in the room and in my body was intense. During a particular pose- pigeon pose to be exact- I heard a comforting voice say “We have work to do”. From class one, to the class I taught this morning, I have been following a Spirit within. I have found a connection to my creator, to Source. Through yoga I have found that there is NO separation from God and All of Creation. I use that revelation to share with others the power of going within. Through yoga I learned the difference between Religion and Spirit. Through yoga I found the power in me to Heal. Through yoga and sharing my love of yoga I can use the “gift” I was given on a level that I had never even thought of. Yes, I had dreams of helping others but I had NO idea that that I could affect so many. The lesson I learned is: No matter what You think you can do, GOD knows better. Trust that you can do all things and all things you can do. There is a Spirit within that connects us all like family and now I know that I Am My Brother’s Keeper. I inspire all my students to LOVE pro-actively to prevent LOVE from being DEMANDED from you. Do preventive maintenance by loving ahead of time… store up Good Karma and know that Go(o)d comes back to you. Be Still and Know that you TOO are GOD. If you don’t like the life you created, Choose Again! (No Fear, No Condemnation)