STRUT! May 2014 | Page 12

Linda Hamilton "Who are you?" I asked...."I'm Linda, a woman, a daughter, a wife, a mother, a friend"...."but who are you really?" That was my provoking question. I was an accumulative vessel of titles and within those titles there were expectations....societies expectations but mostly mine, to be as perfect as possible, to be conscious at all times, caring and nurturing to others. This was a role I gave myself a very long time ago....a badge I wore with pride, but as years passed I began to see a pattern, an emptiness. I was constantly taking responsibility for everyone around me, making excuses for their behaviour, tripping over anyone to fix whatever hole they'd dug for themselves. Whether it was asked of me or not, I would run into battle to save them regardless....yes, this was where I found my worth. It wasn't until many years of these scenarios and breakdowns of relationships that I had to take a look at myself. It's hard to be real because when you are, you can't ever stay the same. You know you have to fix it. I made the decision to seek the answers I needed to break the codependency...yes I said it! When your self- value is based on what you do for others then it's ego based and codependent. I had read about kinesiology and it intrigued me as it's based on acknowledging underlying issues and memory within our subconscious. I booked in an appointment and began my journey to honour myself. There are many ways to find our truth and light apart from kinesiology, such as prayer and meditation but this was what felt right for me. My experience was so cathartic, like being spiritually awakened by light bulb moments that shone down on every decision, action, reaction I'd ever made that had taken me to where I was now. I was investing in myself, not like having a pedicure done but my highest self, my truth and my worth. Yesterday was officially 2 years that I've been single and to be honest, I've never felt so peaceful, positive and content in my life. I've honoured myself by looking within- not searching for someone else to feel love. I don't feel lonely. I do for others but I am discerning. I don't give away my energy to anyone or everyone. I now know and understand that to truly have inner love, happiness and value, you must own it and no one can take that away unless you give them permission to. Hold tight ladies!... Love, Light and Peace!