STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF ORGANIC MOLECULES Distinguish the saturated hydrocarbons from the | Page 4


Defining the transformations of some derivates of saturated hydrocarbons.

Cracking: The cracking of oil is the breaking of large molecules into smaller units.

This operation can be carried out with a thermal method or a catalytic method.

Thermal cracking: when this reaction occurs with heat.

Catalytic cracking: when performed by catalysts.

In modern petroleum technology cracking is carried out in the presence of catalysts. The oil vapors are passed over a catalyst bed consisting of granules of an acid treated clay or a synthetic aluminum oxide complex, silicon oxide, at a temperature of 300 ° C. Catalytic cracking produces, in addition to paraffin’s and olefins, lower molecular weight, by-products by isomerization and aromatization, with the result that by this process high quality fuels for engines can be prepared at lower costs than by purely thermal.