* Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine deeply rooted in
ancient Chinese medicine. Where conventional treatment stops
working or is not producing the wanted results, acupuncture becomes
a very valuable solution. The practice works so well because it
reduces stomach and pancreas inflammation, improves digestive
function and benefits related organs. Among the conditions where
acupuncture has been studied include gastroesophageal reflux, gout,
biliary colic, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcer or obesity.
Certainly, the approach is dictated by the disease’s mode of action,
but usually involves a practitioner evaluating the patient and
identifying specific acupoints throughout the body. The painless
process of inserting very fine needles in those specific points has the
power to boost metabolism, strengthen gastrointestinal muscles and
restore acidity to normal. Besides enhancing health and making
people feel well, acupuncture is a risk free, non-invasive and painless
which is why many people prefer it as opposed to medical procedures
or drug treatment, especially when they are sensitive, intolerant or
when conventional treatment just does not work for them.