* Virtual health is literally every digital technology that facilitates a patient’s
access to healthcare. Acting as complementary support or a full substitute,
virtual health can relief economic burden, streamline healthcare processes
and benefit the patient.
First of all, we are all aware of the typical first doctor appointment where
the vast majority of time is spent gathering information, reviewing it and
making treatment recommendations. At the same time, not everybody
communicates the same or feels as comfortable sharing perhaps what
would be considered the embarrassing part of their condition, patients
might also be overwhelmed and forget details of their situation. All these
factors not only cost time and money on both sides, but they also increase
the risk of an inaccurate diagnosis or integrated care pathway, resulting in
more long-term and potentially serious complications. Picture if your
healthcare professional was fully equipped to gather all the relevant
information from the patient prior to the meeting, including biometric data
retrieved from wearables. This would indeed save so much time for both
sides and ensure that when the physical consultation occurs both sides are
aligned, and an informed discussion can be held.