Strivept - Physiotherapy Kitchener Single Treatment For Multiple Conditions | Page 7

The Rise Of Teenagers And Young Adults With Ankylosing Spondylitis • • We know how uncomfortable and at the same time sensitive a spine pain is. That is why every single case is evaluated in detail and should the therapist consider the levels of pain and inflammation are too intense, the treatment is postponed until the flare up settles. For the patients who can tolerate the treatment, deep tissue massage techniques have been shown to have greatest results. The manipulation involves sliding, gentle strokes in long sweeping movements while deep pressure is often applied where the tension or pain is. In a recent 2017 study , researchers have published the results of a small study comparison between deep tissue massage and therapeutic massage for lower back pain, disease activity, and functional capacity of ankylosing spondylitis patients. 31 male patients diagnosed with the disease participated in the randomized study with both groups undergoing 30-minute deep tissue massage sessions or therapeutic massage daily for two weeks. The aim was to identify and alleviate musculoskeletal contributors to lower back pain. While both techniques used generated positive outcomes for patients, deep tissue massage showed to have helped decrease pain levels. These numbers are encouraging for healthcare professionals to consider massage therapy techniques as supplements in ankylosing spondylitis treatment.