AI the next big thing in SCM
Current Trends
Shoppers Stop McKinsey Report
Three-pronged strategy for Shopper
Stop’s digital transformation. “Digital
evolution for us relates to the
application of digital technologies
across three main functions:
Customer Experience and service
(both online and offline),
Merchandise and Supply Chain
Management and Customer
Analytics we are likely at a key inflection point
of AI adoption. AI technologies like
neural-based machine learning and
natural language processing are
beginning to mature and prove their
value, quickly becoming
centerpieces of AI technology suites
among adopters.
Deloitte Morgan Stanley
Deloitte cites three factors driving the
rise of MI:
Ÿ Exponential data growth
Ÿ Faster distributed systems
Ÿ Smarter algorithms Investments are concentrated around
f o u r k e y t h e m e s : 1 ) Vi r t u a l
Reality/Augmented Reality, 2) Internet
of Things (IoT), 3) AI & Machine
Learning, and 4) Autonomous
vehicles. Together, these markets are
forecasted to drive $13T of spend and
forecasts for some markets, such as
VR/AR, appear conservative relative
to longer- term potential for industry-
specific use cases
The forest here is machine
intelligence, or MI, according to
Deloitte’s recently-release annual
Te c h Tr e n d s r e p o r t . B u s i n e s s
spending on MI is forecast to reach
$31.3 billion by 2019, according to
Volume 7 issue 1 November 2017