String Of Pearls October 2013 | Page 12

Bible Class Ideas

The theme for this issue is “In the Beginning.” So, the obvious choice for our Bible Class article would be creation, right? Right. So, that’s what I have decided to do, and for this issue, I’m going to focus on everyone’s first Bible class: nursery or cradle roll!

Cradle Roll (Nursery)

There’s only so much you can do with a class of approximately one-to-two-year-olds. However, my mom has some awesome ideas that I’d love to share with you. Songs are one of the most prominent tools in a nursery class. Here are some lyrics to songs that you can sing in both a cradle roll class up through about five years.

(Sing through each line twice)

Day One, Day One, God made light when there was none

Day Two, Day Two, God made clouds and sky so blue

Day Three, Day Three, God made flowers, plants, and trees

Day Four, Day Four, Sun, and moon, and stars galore

Day Five, Day Five, God made birds and fish alive

Day Six, Day Six, Man, and Beast, and the big T-Rex

Day Seven, Day Seven, God has rested in His heaven

My mom has some neat activity ideas for this age.

Day 1

Get flashlights or anything that lights up for the little ones to hold. They won’t necessarily understand “light” at this point, but it’s never too soon to start, right?

Day 2

Fill a jar with a mix of blue paper and cotton balls. The little ones can stick their hands into the “clouds.”

Day 3

Get plastic flowers with long stems. Fill a box with sand. You can have the kids “plant” the flowers into the sand.

Day 4

Visual aids would work great for this day. If you have one of those little portable planetariums, you can set it up, or bring out different visuals for the sun, moon, and stars.

Day 5

Water! This day is all about birds and fish and you can include water in this! At this age, toddlers are fascinated with water! You can put even just a little bit of water in bowl, pan, etc. and have the kids “fish” for fish and “play” in the water.

Day 6

On this day, you can just emphasize anything to do with people and animals. Bring out stuffed bears and dogs, farm animals, pictures of mommies and daddies. Sing songs about families, etc.

By Kelsie Carnagie

Art By Chloe Davis