I grew really, really fast when I was like thirteen,
going through puberty. I used to be a gymnast, so I
was really, really thin, and when it started
happening, I didn't really realize it because I grew
so fast, and then looking back at my body and
seeing that these marks had happened. I kind of, I
don't know, I'm pretty accepting of them, and
partners have asked me, "oh, what are those?" and
I'm like "they're stretch marks!" They're pretty
common, you know, just like a part of puberty for
most people. They've faded, and they're there, and
I'm going to have them. I haven't really tried creams
or anything, I've just kind of accepted them as part
of my body, and it's just a sign that I am growing,
and that's okay with me. It's something that I feel
like people share, of all genders and sexualities,
people have them. And it's kind of cool.