I feel like I used to have a really bad relationship
with my stretch marks, and I think it's something
that I'm still struggling through as far as appearance,
but I think that as I've gotten more into body
positivity stuff, especially like online, I've been
looking at a different blogs that celebrate a lot of
body diversity, I think that stretch marks is
something that comes up a lot, and I feel a lot more
positively towards them now than I used to, and I
think it's just because I see a lot more
representation of them on people's bodies that I
still find beautiful bodies. So like, that's helped me
look at myself the same way. And there's also a
really good post on tumblr, have you seen the one
about the tiger stripes? There's a little girl, and she's
with her mom and she's asking like what her stretch
marks are, and the mom teaches the little girl that
they're kind of like tiger marks, like they're just
stripes, which I though was cool... Also, side note, I
was watching porn recently, and one of the actors
had stretch marks! And it was the best! And I
stopped watching it to text people about it.