Street Peeper Zimbabwe Street Peeper September 2017 | Page 35
4. Avoid TV and blue light at
You might be reading this
right now in bed on your
laptop, tablet or smart-
phone. This is something
you really want to be look-
ing to cut out, as all of our
electronic devices emit
blue light which can have a
negative effect on our mela-
tonin levels and, ultimately,
our sleep. Melatonin helps
control our sleep and abil-
ity to stay asleep; unnatu-
ral, artificial blue
light significantly sup-
presses it in our body.
a more natural light effect.
yourself if I fall
asleep RIGHT NOWI will
5 Avoid eating a lot before still get X number of hours
of sleep?
Several books could be de- If you find yourself still
voted to this topic, so I will awake after 20 minutes,
keep it simple. Going to bed you could be better off get-
after eating too much can
ting up and engaging in
make you feel bloated, and- something that is mildly
digestive upsets can keep
you awake. Your body goes
into overdrive when it has The chairman of
to burn off a large amount the National Sleep Founda-
of food.
tion, Russell Rosenberg, say
worrying about how long
Hunger pangs can also keep you have been awake sets
you up. A light snack might you up for disaster when it
take care of that and pro-
comes to drifting off to
mote restful sleep. Stick to dreamland. The harder you
This can be difficult as we things like proteins, nuts
try, the less likely you will
live in an artificially-lit
and seeds, or celery and
fall asleep.
world. However, greatly
carrots sticks with some
reducing our exposure 2-3 almond butter. Teas such
This can be a good time to
hours before bed will allow as chamomile and green tea find a chair and read, listen
your natural melatonin lev- can help have a calming af- to some quiet music, or try
els to work efficiently and fect on the body as well.
some more of those relaxa-
allow proper sleep. If you
tion techniques. The point
must use your laptop late, 6. Don’t fight sleep
is to try to distract yourself
there are great programs
Have you been lying in bed and allow the wind down
(such asf.lux) that can re-
with your eyes clenched,
effect to take place again.
duce the blue light of your trying to force yourself to
electronics. This will give it sleep? Or trying to tell