Street Peeper Zimbabwe Street Peeper September 2017 | Page 25
also do a bit of TV
work with Zimpapers Tele-
vision Network on a red
carpet show called Glam
watch that’s currently air-
ing in Zambia on Fresh TV.”
Karen highlighted that be-
ing a woman means
“PURPOSE, as a woman you
wear so many hats and we
do each task so well. Even if
people try to deny it we are
the makers of this world
and carry a great role that
we execute so well. So if
anything it means that we
are never found with the
raw end of the stick be-
cause we are creatures
with purpose, and its
women that make the
world what it is today.”
Her thoughts on the 21st
century woman? I am abso-
lutely in love with the 21st
century woman because
she represents power and
resilience. As I mentioned
before women have many
hats to fill and it’s astonish-
ing how we fill them so
That just goes to show our
resilient nature and it’s
something to admire. I
think we resonate well
with the saying, ‘what does-
n’t kill you makes you
stronger” and we have defi-
nitely proved our strength
through resilience.
I am actually speaking to
The 21st century woman
myself! Half the time I
also represents POWER be- spend my day pushing my-
cause let’s face it, even
self to take leaps and not to
though we are not pom-
lose opportunities because
pous about it, women have I’m somewhat scared of the
the POWER and I love the turnout. One thing that
21st century woman be-
helps me a lot is first of all
cause she is educated and prayer, knowing that God
empowered to know how causes all things to work
and when to use it.
together for my good, and
most importantly, morning
Karen is involved in vari-
affirmations and medita-
ous women oriented initia- tion.
tives and she said “On my
radio show The Capital Rise It keeps my negative
I make it my point to use it thoughts at bay and gets
as a platform for women in me to act on what I want.
business, by having them as Another thing that I have
guests on the show.”
learnt from my morning
motivation sessions is the
Her career she says “It has Power of process, embrac-
progressed well, I am so
ing failure and living to
blessed and I don’t take
your fullest potential.”
that for granted. One thing
that has kept me grounded Her last word were “I urge
is knowing that without
all women to be aware
God none of this would be about the power of process,
possible, so I’m grateful
it has never been an easy
above it all. “
fight to get the treatment
and recognition we deserve
Karen says her special
as a woman, it always
story is that “I struggle a lot seems like you have to
with confidence and allow work 10 times harder, but
peoples thoughts to control look at the progress we
my actions. That’s some-
have made thus far. It’s all
thing not a lot of people
in the power of process.
know about me, and also
this is quite the irony if you One step at a time, embrac-
think about it. So I work on ing the journey so that the
my self-esteem every day. I destination is worthwhile.
have a morning motivation Be part of the process and
segment on my morning
make sure you are doing
show at 4.30 am and what a something to uplift women
lot of people don’t know is, in your family, community
and country.”