Street Peeper Zimbabwe Street Peeper Bridal Issue 2017 | Page 19
So you’ve said yes to the dress and made one of
the biggest decisions for your upcoming wed-
ding. Congratulations! Usually, next on your list
is a veil, but there are many factors to consider
when choosing one to compliment your dress.
What color do I choose? Which length will work
for me? Will it work in my hairstyle? This choice
may seem overwhelming but don’t fret, we’ve
compiled a list of everything you need to con-
sider before you buy a bridal veil.
The relationship between your veil and your
dress is crucial when completing your wedding
day ensemble. Generally, the color of your veil
should match the color of your dress. Seems
simple right? Not always. There are countless
shades to consider such as white, ivory, off-
white, natural, champagne and more. To make
sure the color matches your dress, bring a fabric
swatch with you when you try on veils or know
the color the manufacturer uses to describe
your dress. If there happens to be a difference in
color, it’s better to have your veil be a lighter
shade than your dress as opposed to your dress
being lighter than your veil.
Let’s be honest, when it comes to your ensemble
on the big day, it’s all about the dress. The fit,
the color, the accents–no detail does unnoticed.
So it’s important to make sure your veil doesn’t
clash but that it compliments the elements on
your wedding dress. How do you do this? Con-
sider the materials on your dress. Is it heavily
embellished with pearls rhinestones? If so, a
simple veil with light pearl and rhinestone ac-
cents is ideal (see below for one of our most
popular veils!). Is your dress simple yet elegant?
Go for a classic pencil edge veil for an overall
sleek look.
Aside from matching color, veil lengths and lay