Street art in Turin. 9 itineraries to discover urban art Street art in Turin | Page 53
street art and urban creativity in Italy. It is also part of the
new project Torino Creativa – a plan of actions that aim at
simplifying, supporting and accompanying young male and
female people who work on the creative scene of Turin, also
informing them of the opportunities that our city offers.
In 2017, by giving the two associations, Monkeys Evolution
and Il Cerchio e le Gocce, a series of activities and services
linked to the project, there have been realisations,
workshops with artistic schools, open days on the territory,
“training” walls where people could practice, etc.
Moreover, in October 2019, for the twenty-year anniversary
of MurArte, a convention (“Oltre i muri: 20 anni del progetto
MurArte”) was organised: an event for artists, associations,
city administrations, experts and academics to share their
thoughts on graffiti-writing, street art and young creativity,
from the past to the future.