Street art in Turin. 9 itineraries to discover urban art Street art in Turin | Page 47
Crossing corso Unione Sovietica, we continue on via Arturo
Farinelli and we end up in piazza Santi Apostoli. In the
immediate vicinity, we find via Giovanni Verga. On a wall
on the right, near the intersection with Strada delle Cacce,
there is a series of graffiti, in the middle of which emerges
one of the many works made by the cultural association of
Monkeys Evolution: the mural (painted in 2010), was
inspired by the most famous novel by Verga, I Malavoglia.
Among the rebellious waves, there are a bottle and a mobile
phone floating, both symbols of deeper meanings. A few
steps further on, set in the frame of a stamp, there is a
black and white portrait of the writer.
The mural made by Spray Venom at the indoor market in via Plava (photo
by F. Vaglio Laurin)