Street art in Turin. 9 itineraries to discover urban art Street art in Turin | Page 33

woman standing on a castle painted on the side of a large building. The subject is Christine de Pizar, the first professional writer and feminist in history. She was depicted by street artist Camilla Falsini, who with her flamboyant and disproportionate cubism wanted to represent gender equality, the fifth of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals created and promoted by the UN. The City of Turin, in collaboration with Lavazza, wanted to support the idea through the project called TOward2030. What are you doing?, which raises awareness of these issues among the public through the works of 17 writers, all in the name of sustainability. In fact, the same project also includes the mural by the artist Zed1 on the side of the Antonelli Elementary School, in via Vezzolano 20, entitled Povertà zero: a wallet with land inside it, and where there is no war or poverty, a rose blooms with a man holding a coin. In this case the work, in which all the artist’s technique of reproducing watercolors with spray cans emerges, wants to represent the first of the 17 UN objectives: to defeat poverty. The mural made by Camilla Falsini for the TOward2030 project (photo by L. Ferrua) 33