Street art in Turin. 9 itineraries to discover urban art Street art in Turin | Page 19

in 2010 by the artist and graphic artist Vito Navolio. It was initially made out of ten benches, on which were painted some tributes dedicated to great painters such as Andy Warhol and Pablo Picasso. In addition to the guided tours organized by the MAU (sometimes by bicycle), it is also interesting to discover the neighborhood and the museum on your own. In fact, walking through the area, you have the impression of walking through the rooms of a museum: on the wall of a building in via Netro 4, next to the church of Sant'Alfonso de' Liguori, a child shows us a bright sun inviting us to enter the district. It is a large mural painted by the artist Gianluca Scarano. We accept the invitation by taking one street after another, but remembering to keep our faces always up, because at every step a painting could surprise us from above. At the corner of via Locana and via Musinè, for example, we find the colourful mural entitled Omaggio al Liberty (2016) by Vito Navolio and Francesca Nigra, in which some elegant ladies from the beginning of the century look out from the walled windows of a building. The decorative sweetness of Art Nouveau vanishes completely in front of Mosche, a gigantic swarm of flies made in stencil by Sergio Ragalzi from Turin on a house in via Ceres 11. A completely different atmosphere welcomes us in via Locana 19, where Roberta Fanti from Bologna has painted an enveloping red rose on the window of a house, a flower that blooms every time you open its windows. 19