Street art gallery magazine Street art gallery magazine | Page 5

NO . 1 | DECEMBER 2019 "Cat" – the biggest work of Bordalo II in Lisbon, Portugal. Bordalo II Lisbon based street art artist Bordalo (1987) is a conscious artist that turn urban waste into something meaningful and aesthetic. He is one the most popular artist in Portugal’s street arts scene. All his works carry out anticonsumerist message that our society consumes too much food, paper, plastic which leads to global climate warming and pollution.   Bordalo II work raises a paradox to make passing stranger think what kind of impact urban waste have on wild habitats and individual animal species. Artist calls his art "Big Trash Animals", that  are usually  made from car parts, rubber, recycle bins found in local trash bin or nearby factory. Bordalo II work not only invites us to rethink how we should consume, but also how to protect our local forests or natural habitats.