Mission Statement – Tauākī Whakamaunga atu
We endeavour to provide every student with opportunities to develop the capabilities that will enable them to participate actively and successfully in society . They will be encouraged to reach the highest standard in everything they do , recognising that with achievement comes challenge .
Our Mission Statement is given expression in the school motto : Whāia te iti kahurangi - Aim to excel
Vision - Te Moemoeā
Our vision is to give every student every opportunity to be the best they can be . ‘ Encompass ’ provides a roadmap of how the school vision is realised across the school community .
Values - Ā Mātou Uara
We embrace the following core values which define the operation , culture and expectations of our school community .
• Achievement - Whakatutuki
• Creativity - Auahatanga
• Respect – Whakaute
• Responsibility - Takohanga
• Endeavour - Takakawe