Strategic Goals 2022-2025
EFSC is committed to engaging a diverse population , remaining accessible , and meeting individual and community needs . After surveys with key stakeholders , an in-depth SWOT analysis , and considering the mission of the institution , three goals related to access , advancement , and achievement were established to help lead the College forward .
Keeping in line with the goals and commitments of the institution , specific measures were established to support the mission of the College . The Eastern Florida State College strategic plan contains specific measurable outcomes purposefully aligned with the Access , Advancement , and Achievement goals to build upon strengths and improve weaknesses .
Goal 1 : Access
Promote access for every student through clear pathways to our Academic Communities , support services , and resources .
Goal 2 : Advancement
Ensure a supportive learning environment through transformational teaching practices and support services in which our students can thrive and persist through milestones to completion of their desired academic goals .
Goal 3 : Achievement
Expand high impact practices to support students in achieving their short- and long-term educational goals within a defined timeframe .