Strategic Plan 2022-2025 | Page 3

EFSC by the Numbers in 2021-22 :

Contents Setting the Stage

Eastern Florida State College was established in 1960 as a junior college and has grown significantly in the past sixty years . As Brevard County has grown , so has Eastern Florida State College . The College has awarded more than 120,000 degrees and certificates and currently offers over 100 degrees and programs .
Known around the world as the Space Coast , Eastern Florida State College is located in the nation ’ s aerospace hub . With a diverse workforce focused on space , travel and tourism , high tech , aviation , and healthcare , the College has played an integral role in the county ’ s growth and economic development by preparing tens of thousands of Brevard residents for the workforce or for further study .
The College continues to evolve its programs and operations to meet the needs of the community , demonstrate its commitment to remaining accessible , and to adapt to the rapidly changing field of higher education . To keep on course , the College regularly performs assessments to determine where it and the community are going and prepares plans for ways to improve and meet the challenges it identifies .

EFSC by the Numbers in 2021-22 :

• Around 18,000 students annually take courses at EFSC .
• More than 2,400 students enrolled in Bachelor ’ s degree courses .
• More than 9,500 students enrolled in online classes .
• About 38 % of the students are minorities and about 60 % are women .
• More than 4,500 degrees and certificates were awarded to 3,565 students .
• Nearly 350 high school students earned Associate degrees while in the Dual Enrollment Program .