Strategic Cost-Saving Opportunities Digital 2014 | Page 6

Good medicine = good value patient care, thereby providing the What physicians, hospital administrators and other professionals need to know under PPACA stake in the post-reform world. best value to the consumer. Government dollars are also at Under PPACA, the federal government will enact a policy of valuebased purchasing, essentially a When it comes to the Patient and deliver higher quality and a Protection and Affordable Care better patient experience.” Act (PPACA), health care providers To see how Brown Smith Wal- “That affects both cost and care pay-for-performance system that quality,” Present says. “Information doesn’t always pass cleanly will allot federal dollars, in the form 3 of incentives and reimbursements, may feel like they’re the rope in a lace helped a provider develop its among providers. That often game of tug-of-war. mission-critical strategy for health care reform, click here 3 . results in greater expense and a redundancy, care costs and ad- What to consider stead of service volume. The idea less-positive patient experience, ministrative costs. The passage of PPACA has set is to reduce wasteful spending and off a cascading chain reaction of unnecessary treatments, further The transformational health care legislation, signed into law because patients have to fill out a based on patient outcomes in- Another major change in the by President Barack Obama in A care continuum lot of the same paperwork and current health care landscape effects for health care providers. promoting quality and efficiency 2010, rewards providers that can Present says he is seeing a num- repeat certain medical tests for involves the consolidation of pro- The act will, at a minimum, affect throughout the medical industry. keep costs down while elevating ber of changes rapidly taking hold each new doctor or caregiver viders themselves. Independent how patients seek primary care standards of care to measurable regarding how health care prac- they encounter.” doctors and small independent and how specialists receive refer- ‘value,’” Present says. “It has sig- new heights. While the goals are titioners and institutions are now The government has provided hospitals are quickly becoming rals from primary care physicians. nificant importance under PPACA. worthwhile pursuits, the x