Strange Days #1 - Strange Days are here... | Page 11

The Creation: brought into this world with a giant metal crane, the structure of life, the enormous crushing mysterious organ of the Void, who swims down this tiered river only to be hurled out into an Ocean of Sorrows, and Something happened a glitch Your machine’s not as oiled as it should be, let’s take it to The Place of Infinite Repairs, the one with the sign in neon the one with the sign doused in junk the one with the sign the one with the sign the sign the sign everywhere there are goddamn signs and they all point with crooked fingers, gnawed. down it descends, crashing, crashing, a spineless wreck of this and that and what-not-who-gives-a-shit The Wasteland (of life) is here! Make way for the Flooooood! Gasping for breath under watery sheets at lonely night. Chewing my way through the desert blind as a moth-eaten marquee and just as empty. Shooting into imaginary space with the purpose of freedom and integrity, only to land in a hopeless chair in a darkened room in Birmingham. --- Who felt the icy grip of death at the back of the PST in Digbeth, and expelled it on to the gracious floor. My own Howl – A Tribute to Allen Ginsberg Who discovered the secrets and fabrications of the universe in a mushroom squat in Utrecht, and then again multiple times on the LSD haven of sanctuary, of frights, of ultimate horrid knowledge. And so it became that my generation began to walk in space. And so it became that a hollow nation began to drip. Who wants to burn Facebook and the whole human persona to the ground, and throw that Fucking laptop out the window in triumphant rage!!!!!!!!!! It was tickled. It exploded. Who watched with fascination as the words of Panthea flowed like velvet ribbon from the tip of a pen in a flourish of acidepiphany. And my generation dreamed dreams lapping up the luxuries of travel, life, of love, Whose month of veganism was a time of satisfaction and joy, while only to be smacked down by a tub of Haagen-Dazs and junkdrowning in their own vomit food pizza solace. Raging through the colossal entities of authority; a mind just Who came face to face with the off-button, who cowered away heaving for enlightenment, fearing enlightenment from the off-button and prayed to no one just to be OK. Entreating Dionysus, fearing Dionysus, shrinking away from O, mother! O, father! I know you mean well. But now the that enticing, wonderful, dangerous Dionysus. claws of Dionysus are scratching at my back and I don’t know The bleeding souuul, the bleeding souuul, the bleeding which way to turn. souuuuul It’s up to me to carry this forward rollercoastering up-and-down-and-up-and-down inciting an and this little sob must end. endless stream of liquid shit. The Void is a fiery monster, pointing the finger, curling the Even the dirtiest rainwater puddle surely evaporates eventually finger The Void is an intangible, dreadfully tangible blanket of shit, ? that rests interminably over the hobbling days and shivering nights The Void is a decaying mound of earth, swallowing the spew of aspirations, applications, insurmountable infuriations A whirlwind of hopes, of mind-storms, and billowing futures and prophecies. 11